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 / Wireless charger IC

Wireless charger IC

IP6806 is a fully integrated wireless charging TX chip. It integrates MCU, Driver and active devices such as MOS, OP, etc. It only needs 14-18 BOMs to realize 10W over-authentication scheme.


IC model Encapsulation POWER Features datasheet
cn en
IP6805U eSOP8 5W Integrated NMOS full-bridge driver,built-in MOS,support FOD,only coil/capacitor/resistance on the periphery link link
IP6806 QFN24 5W/7.5W/10W? Integrated NMOS full-bridge driver,built-in MOS,support FOD,only coil/capacitor/resistance on the periphery link link
IP6808 QFN32 5W/7.5W/10W? WPC 1.2.4 BPP certification,integrated NMOS full-bridge driver,support FOD,compatible with NPO and CBB capacitors over certification,support online upgrade link link
IP6809 QFN40 15W 15W three coils,integrated NMOS full bridge driver,support FOD,support Q value detection,integrate PD request protocol,support online upgrade link link
IP5566 QFN40 5W 5V 3A A+B+C mobile power supply,5W TX integrated protocol and NMOS full bridge driver link link
IP5568 QFN64 15W 22.5W wired fast power bank,15W wireless TX integrated protocol and NMOS full bridge driver link link
IP6831 QFN16(0303) 2W Wireless charger RX, built-in efficient synchronous rectifier circuit, peripheral only coil/capacitor/resistor link link


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